Welcome to Freelance Saturday’s you’re weekly dose of good reading to help you run your business better.
Watch next Thursday for a review of Extreme Programming, which is an Agile Method. Then in a few more weeks for a look at the Scrum book they talk about in the podcast.
This was a great overview of what Scrum is. Even doing story points and measuring how much you get done will help your business.
024: David Sax – Revenge of the Analog – Hurry Slowly — Hurry Slowly — Overcast
This is one of my favorite shows anyway but this episode on analogue tools was so good. So close to my heart clearly since I wrote a book about why I’m analogue and how I do it.
Embrace the constraints of analogue if you want to get more done.
Lead Marketing: 67 Ways I’ve Generated Business Leads Online (& Off)
Great post from Maddy Osman with a bunch of ways she has used to get freelance work. I’ve done most of them as well.
This is brought to you by The 8 Week Business BootCamp. This workshop will help you bring sanity to your work.
Pricing for freelancers · Paul Jarvis
Paul brings us a bunch of stuff we may not be thinking about when we price our services. I also wrote a whole series on freelance pricing.
14 Ways To Make Journaling One Of The Best Things You Do In 2018 | RyanHoliday.net
I write in my journal daily. It’s a list of the tasks I do, my feelings about what’s happening. My frustrations. My big plans for my work. The hilarious things that my kids did.
Writing a journal brings a breath of fresh air into my life every day. It releases my stress so that the page can deal with it instead of me. If you’ve been struggling with writing things down, then look at the tips from Ryan Holiday. If you want to see exactly what I do, I wrote about it.
Ep #114: David C. Baker, The Business Of Expertise – Daily Grind Podcast
Just found this podcast because a friend was on it. One key from this interview is that he had 40% of his billing tied up in a client that suddenly left. It hurt his business lots. Do your best to not have any more than 25% of your business in a year tied up in one client. If you’re doing retainers, that’s 25% in a month. I’d love to see it even lower.
The second great idea is that as business owners we get scared of giving up what we have in favour of becoming what we can be? Is there anything you’re hanging on to that is holding you back?
Not all constraints are legit – Leadership Notes
Chris shares some good thoughts on constraints not being real. The big question for many people is how to identify your limiting beliefs. A great book on that is The Big Leap which I recommend you read.
Charles Duhigg: Thinking is the Killer App — Simplify — Overcast
Great episode with Charles Duhigg on thinking. I’ve said that making good decisions is the best skill for a freelancer to develop, and I think after listening to this episode Duhigg would agree with me.