I think employers get way to hung up on a [specific set of skills][exp]. Yes when looking for a programmer make sure that the person can actually program. Outside of that you should be looking at attitude not that they have skill X. Given a bit of time and training any decent programmer can learn a new language, it’s the attitude/desire to learn that is the important part.
>Despite the serious shortage of some skills, the disconnect between employers and job seekers is not surprising given how many job descriptions fall victim to the “experience-needed syndrome.” This ailment manifests itself in two ways. In one, job descriptions for entry-level positions ask for experience, which shuts out many young workers. In the other, seasoned workers find the “experience-needed syndrome” becomes the “exact experience needed syndrome.”
In my opinion too many (maybe all) employers are looking for a quick fix, they aren’t looking at training or long term investment in their employees. If they hire based just on experience they know they don’t have training to do but they know little else.
I feel like I’ve said this a bunch of times lately but, it’s a marathon people not a sprint.
[exp]: http://blogs.hbr.org/cs/2012/04/job_descriptions_and_the_exper.html?awid=5281029320966695529-3271 “The Job Experience Dilemma”