I’ve had Ready Player One on my list of books to read and movies to watch for a while now. Well the DVD came available a week before the book did at my local library, so today I’m going to talk about my thoughts on both of them. What do I think of the styles and how do they relate?
Ultimately, I’m going to add a copy of Ready Player One to my Library
Purchase Ready Player One: [Amazon](http://www.amazon.com/dp/030788743X/?tag=blogcurtismchale-20) | [Book Depository](https://www.awin1.com/cread.php?awinmid=5478&awinaffid=674023&clickref=&p=%5B%5Bhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.bookdepository.com%252FReady-Player-One-Ernest-Cline%252F9780099560432%5D%5D)