Inspired by I’d Rather Be Reading, I’m going to talk about some of my book firsts today. So I guess I’m starting the book firsts tag and I choose to take…well anyone but these people in particular.

## Questions

1. What was the first book you remember falling in to?
2. What was the first book that made you aspired to read? Did you ever read it?
3. What was the first book you put down thinking it said everything you’d been thinking for a while?
4. What was the first book you put down and thought it was simply terrible?
5. What was the first book you bought multiple copies of because one was simply pretty?
6. What was the first book you finished, and then started reading again
7. Tell me about one other book first your choice.

## My Book List

1. Arthur: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon](
2. Wrinkle in Time: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon](
3. Deep Work: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon](
4. 12 Rules for Life: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon](
5. Ocean at the End of the Lane: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon](
6. The Martian: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon](
7. Alvin Maker: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon ](