Clearly you’re watching my channel so you know about me and I always mention my Discord channel which is getting more and more discussions, but today I want to focus on other excellent creators and resources you should be following if you want to learn more about how to use Obsidian and how to organize research.
This is not an exhaustive list, it’s just the resources that I find useful and enjoy. There are other resources that rub me the wrong way, and they’re simply not on the list but if you like them go for it.
Let’s start with an excellent email about everything that’s happening in Obsidian, called Obsidian Round Up. It’s an excellent weekly recap of what’s happening in the Obsidian community from the forums to plugin updates to items community members have shared. I read it weekly and make notes on future video topics.
The Sweet Setup is the next resource that has been doing an excellent job of bringing out Obsidian based content about how to build your research system. This is more than simply an Obsidian focused site though, Shawn and his team, review iOS, iPadOS, and macOS applications that are awesome.[^Disclaimer: I helped build that site and I write get paid to write for them occasionally]
The final four are excellent YouTube creators. In no particular order, we’ll start with Bryan Jenks. The most influential video I watched from him was how he uses links and tags. I used the thoughts there as the basis for my tagnotes.
Next let’s talk about Santi Younger, who uses both Obsidian and Logseq. While he has a number of interesting videos, the one that stood out to me recently was his look at the Obsidian Outliner plugin. I grabbed the plugin right away and have been using it happily since.
While Nick Milo has done many tutorials on Obsidian he is currently doing interviews with people about how they use their tools in their lives. I often put these on while I’d folding laundry or doing some other fairly stationary house chores. Make sure you check out a fairly recent look at using Obsidion for writing.
Our final stop today will be with Effective Remote Work. Justin doesn’t just share Obsidian based content, but dives into the tools you need to work remotely well. If you’re interested in Maps of Content, then he has a great recent video to help you learn about MOC’s.
Getting Started with Obsidian
If you want to learn your way around Obsidian so that you can build a great note system then this course is for you. I’ll cover basic folder structure when to use tags or links, and the plugins I think everyone needs to make their Obsidian experience excellent. Plus much more. If you want all my courses, become a member.
$99 USD (30-day guarantee)
Getting Started with Zettelkasten
If you’ve been wondering about what Zettelkasten is and how to start organizing your notes with this excellent system then this course is for you. I’ll cover the basics of choosing which tool to use, how to take notes, how to deal with linking your notes, and much more. You can also become a member to get all my courses.
$99 USD (30-day guarantee)