Welcome to the PKM weekly newsletter. My goal is to round up good resources in the PKM space so you don’t have to.
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Bigger Ideas
Platform agnostic ideas that may help your PKM process. They may feature a software, but I think they apply to more than a single platform.
Last week I took a look at Antinet Zettelkasten by Scott P Scheper. Spoiler – I couldn’t finish the book. (web)
Maybe it doesn’t matter where exactly your notecards go in Antinet. (reddit)
If you want to carry around notecards, this is an option to make it easier. (reddit)
Taking notes as a philosophy PhD. (youtube)
Good writing is downstream of good information capture. (web)
Some interesting book recommendations here about order coming out of disorder. (reddit)
Sergio talks about Readwise and how the Reader application is the missing piece in your note system. (youtube)
What free apps let you take notes with an Apple Pencil? (reddit)
Bryan did a 2 hour live stream talking about notes. (youtube)
Emacs and knowledge management for scientists. (reddit)
This isn’t live as I make links, but this MacBites stream is supposed to be about taking notes. (youtube)
How often do you think about the security of your note service? (reddit)
Bottom up note-taking for research PhD. (youtube)
I also find that the first books in a topic generate more notes. Once a baseline has been established I’m only taking notes on new insights. (reddit)
Something Interesting
Because we’re all lookin to expand our minds a bit.
50 Reasons Why Everyone Should Want More Walkable Streets. (web)
How to Kill Creativity. (web)
Keep Productive went over his top 15 note-taking applications. (youtube)
Shu talked about why he like Scrintal. (youtube)
How Craft works when you’re offline. (reddit)
3 ways to collect data in Craft. (youtube)
What about keeping your files in Craft instead of something like Google Drive? (reddit)
Users continue to question the direction of updates on Craft. (reddit)
Showing Obsidian front matter using Dataview. (medium)
I released a video talking about how I use Obsidian to track programming projects at work. (web/video)
Danny showed off building a habit tracker in Obsidian from scratch. (youtube)
Don’t forget about the Slash Commands core plugin. I’ve seen a bunch of questions asked lately where the answer is this plugin.
All about Obsidian sync. (youtube)
What improvements are in Excalidraw 1.8.10? (youtube)
Nicole did an overview of Obsidian and announced her course Obsidian for Everyone. (youtube/web)
Non-paid options for mobile sync are available. I just used the paid sync because it works excellently, but you don’t have to. (reddit)
Danny recaps Obsidian plugins for the week. (youtube)
Yup I use affiliate links sometimes to support the newsletter. If it’s on Amazon, it’s an affiliate link for sure.