Woohooo contracts and legal stuff – said no freelancer ever. Despite how much we may hate dealing with the legal aspect of our business it’s something we can’t overlook.
Would you like to forget a contract then have no recourse when someone walks away without paying you?
Would you like to set up your business poorly and then be on the hook personally for damages? Yeah that might mean loosing your house.
No those don’t sound like good ideas to me at all.
So let’s embark this week on the topic of the types of things we legally need with our freelance business. We’ll cover:
- Contracts
- NDA’s
- Non-competes
- Licensing your work
Please remember that I am not a lawyer, nor am I familiar with contract laws in all parts of the world, this is what I have learned through my experiences running my business. If you are seeking legal advice please do so through a lawyer in your area.