Genres: Comic
Iredeemable Omnibus – Mark Waid
What if Superman learned that once you made one mistake you were iredeemable? What if his earth parents tossed him to the side when he made a mistake? What if all these events made him ride a knife’s edge trying to be good, only to finally show you how bad he could be once he…
Invincible Ultimate Collection Volume 1
Here we get a long introduction to the heros and villians of the Invincible Universe. You’ve got to read to the end to get the big twist of the early series…no spoilers. Purchase Invincible Ultimate Collection Volume 1 on Amazon
Invincible Ultimate Collection Volume 2
In this volume we get to see Mark dealing with the aftermath of the fight with his father and get more insight into the Coalition of Planets. It both very emotional at times as well as light-hearted depending on the issue you’re reading. This is at least my second read through the series. Purchase Invincible…