Style: Non-fiction

  • The PARA Method

    The PARA Method


    I haven’t enjoyed Forte’s work thus far, but it was this book that made me realize why. I’ve been reading them as books about knowledg, but that’s not what Forte is writing about. He’s dealing with a new type of productivity system that is meant to deal with all the knowledge coming at a worker…

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  • Automation and the Future of Work

    Automation and the Future of Work


    The purpose of this book is to explore the possibilities of a post scarcity society and whether work should really be the center of meaning in our world. According to the author we must start to move past capitalism towards a way of organizing society that doesn’t put your only value as work in exchange…

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  • How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism

    How to Destroy Surveillance Capitalism


    Cory Doctorow’s book explores Surveillance Capitalism and how we already have the tools around to deal with Big Tech, we just have to use the laws in place to hold technology companies to account instead of letting them get away with stealing our future. I got the most out of his look at digital locks…

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