Category: 3 Threads

  • On Writing and Getting Readers – 3 Threads


    This is a reader supported site. To get access to my book notes and extra content become a member Write to Figure Things Out While I’d love to be a full-time writer I don’t sweat the details too much. For me writing is about figuring out what I think. The long piece I wrote last…

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  • The Global North’s Erroneous Infatuation with it’s Superiority


    The Global North has many erroneous views, but one that’s been sticking with me lately is it’s superiority view of business models. We have the false view that we are the leaders in all fields all the time and that anything not invented in the Global North, often limited entirely to the US, is not…

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  • Nostalgia is a Cancer on Society


    While nostalgia can feel harmless, it does cause harm to our companies, ourselves, and the media we consume. Excessive focus on a “better” past means we can’t step into the future. This site is reader supported so become a member if you like this content. Things were better once We all succumb to the uncanny…

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  • What Makes Good Writing – 3 Threads 006


    Remember, this site is reader supported. To keep the content coming you can become a member or take a course. Members get all my book notes included. What Is Good Writing In many ways good writing has the same feeling as pornography does, you know it when you see it. This often leaves writers wondering,…

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  • Achievement and Forcing Functions – 3 Threads 005


    This is supported by members. Members get extra content, access to my courses and my book notes. The content only keeps coming because of those members. The Cost of Achievement for Kids I’m almost finished Never Enough, and the big thing that continues to strike me in this book is the high cost of parents…

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  • Let’s be Anti-Productivity – 3 Threads 004


    This is a reader supported site, if you like the content then become a member. Members get my courses, my book notes and an extra piece of content weekly. Reading Doesn’t Have to Be Productive Western life wants us to optimise everything for productivity and to feel bad if we don’t. This productivity ethic even…

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  • You Do it Your Way – 3 Threads – 003


    This site is reader supported. Become a member to get my book notes and my courses. When is a Book Done? Right now I’m reading Changer by Matt Gemmell and it’s not going well. The language feels stilted and the characters feel more unbelievable than a book of this type normally should. I mean I…

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