Category: Book Reviews
February Reads and March TBR
– Purchase North of Normal: [Amazon]( | [Book Depository]( – Purchase Words Have a Past: [Amazon]( | [Book Depository]( – Purchase The Innovators: [Amazon]( | [Book Depository]( – Purchase Free Range Kids: [Amazon]( | [Book Depository]( – Purchase The Library Book: [Amazon]( | [Book Depository]( – Purchase Snow, Glass, Apples: [Amazon]( | [Book Depository]( –…
The Books That Changed My Business
After 12 years in business, things run fairly smooth around here. I’ve made a bunch of mistakes, and put processes in place to help ensure that I don’t make further mistakes. I’ve read lots of books and learned a bunch of things that changed my business. Today is all about those books that helped my…
Words Have a Past
Up front let’s get this out, I’m a white dude of middle age. There are lots of things I don’t know and can’t understand at an emotional level because of my upbringing. I don’t think this means I shouldn’t expend effort to see through the eyes of others though. To start down this road one…
Ready Player One
I’ve had Ready Player One on my list of books to read and movies to watch for a while now. Well the DVD came available a week before the book did at my local library, so today I’m going to talk about my thoughts on both of them. What do I think of the styles…
Mr Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore
I first saw this as a beautiful cover from [Byways in Bookland]( and after reading a few other reviews I borrowed it via Libby from my local library. I’m of two minds as I reflect on the book. On one hand, I finished it and enjoyed it. I enjoyed the characters and while the finish…
iGen – Why Are They Acting They Way They Do?
While there is much written about the Millennial generation, we’re getting past that as the marker for people entering the workforce and not what Gene M. Twenge calls iGen in her book of the same title. Twenge backs her writing on iGen on 4 major representative surveys of the generation. She uses this data to…
Can Malcolm Gladwell Teach Us How to Talk to Strangers?
Malcolm Gladwell’s most recent entry into the writing world revolves around how we understand strangers. To get to the end quickly, we’re really bad at it. Gladwell starts off the book with the Sandra Bland case. If you’re not familiar with this case, it started as a fairly basic traffic stop where an warning was…
How Scarcity Affects Our Lives – Book Review
Have you ever felt like you had less than you needed? Well that’s the definition of scarcity1 and what Scarcity by Sendhil Mullainathan and Eldar Shafir is all about. Throughout the book the authors will look at what causes scarcity and how it captures you in it’s clutches sometimes causing a spiral into more and…
How Expertise Died
> These are dangerous times. Never have so many people had so much access to knowledge and yet have been so resistant to learning anything.[^1] With that early quote Tom Nichols sets the tone for The Death of Expertise, a book about the collapse of relationships between experts and citizens[^2]. One of the first points…
Leaders Eat Last by Simon Sinek
Those who have opportunity to work in organizations that treat them like human beings to be protected rather than a resource to be exploited come home at the end of the day with an intense feeling of fulfillment and gratitude. This should be the rule for all of us, not the exception. 1 Have you…