Category: Book Reviews
What are the habits of high performers?
What is it that makes high performers, high performers? What is it that puts them above the “rest of us?” I know you’re asking that question because you want to see the same type of success/money/freedom that the high performers you know have. That is the purpose of High Performance Habits by Brendon Burchard. Burchard…
What Will it Take to Have Your Best Year Ever?
I started my year looking at a book about having Your Best Year Ever, by Michael Hyatt. It’s fairly common knowledge that most goals start well, then die by February. The goal of Hyatt’s book is to give us the goal setting and achieving tools so that our year can be the best year we’ve…
Do You Know How to Grow into Your Success?
But then it gets hard. Rules change, markets change, the economy changes, and people with new ideas come along. If we haven’t been paying attention and adding to our knowledge and skills, we find ourselves getting cynical and resentful and frustrated. It affects our attitudes and our production. Over time, we end up feeling as…
Paid to Think has 2 Good Ideas Wrapped in a Stack of Turtles
So much of what we do in work is thinking. Yes, developers type code onto the “page” and that code is what clients think they’re paying for. The truth is that they’re paying for you to make smart decisions. Learning to make those smart decisions, with proper information, is what Paid to Think, by David…
Mark Manson Tells us To Stop Caring about So Much
We’ll start this review with a disclaimer there is swearing in the quotes. That’s just the style of the author of the book. In the first chapter, it felt like he was using profanity just for shock factor, with some sentences so overloaded that it was almost comical. After that initial bit, it went way…
Resolve Conflicts by Playing Nice in Your Sandbox
Nothing ever goes as smoothly as we’d like. There is always conflict at home and work, and we have to deal with it. Few of us have effective strategies to deal with the conflict though. You can find an audio version of this. Make sure you subscribe to Should I Read It so you don’t…
How You can Become a Linchpin in your Field
023 – Linchpin While not all of us aspire to being some famous person that holds the keys to success in an industry, we all dream of being indispensable. Of being someone that is a leader in a small field. Even if that niche is obscure, being the person that is the “go to” in…
The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People is NOT an Effectively Written Book
The Productivity Show 170
How is Eating an Ugly Frog the same as getting your work done?
So, who wants to eat a big ugly frog? Not me, and probably not you. That’s why you should be eating it first thing every morning. Wait, really you should be doing your biggest ugliest task every morning first off because if you don’t it’s probably not going to get done. Well if you need…
Are You Coaching the Person or the Problem?
There are three different parties in coaching Coach Person Problem According to Chad W. Hall, there are also three levels of coaching which he describes in Coach The Person Not The Problem. Beginner: Coach the Problem Better: Coach the Problem through the Person Transformational: Coach the Person for Internal Change Hall contends in this short…