Category: Book Reviews
Books I’m Not Finishing In 2020
Yes I read a bunch, but I don’t finish every book I read. In fact this year I’ve decided to put down books faster instead of muscling through them because there will some grain in them that makes the whole endeavour worthwhile. Today I’m going to talk about the books I decided not to finish…
Things Cal Newport Missed in So Good They Can’t Ignore You
Back in 2017 I read So Good They Can’t Ignore you for the first time. Well 2019 and 2020 have been a season of purchasing some of my favourite digital books in physical form and then reading them again and today’s book is So Good They Can’t Ignore You. Instead of a review/summary of the…
Shorter by Alex Soojung-Kim Pang
> We live in a world in which business operates 24/7, the global economy never stops, and competition is relentless. And even if you can become productive enough to finish early, customers and bosses still expect you to be available at all hours.[^1]. With that thought, Alex Soojun-Kim Pang, opens up his follow up to…
BiblioTECH – Book Review
The subtitle of BiblioTECH neatly summarizes the intent of the book “Why Libraries Matter More Than Ever in the Age of Google”. On the surface you may be asking that question, I know I didn’t use the library much outside of taking my kids sometimes until the last 18 months. BiblioTECH by John Palfrey is…
How Are Boys Socialized Sexually
> Feminism may have afforded girls an escape from the constraints of conventional femininity, offered them alternative identities as women and a language with which to express the myriad problems-that-have-no-name, but it has made few inroads with boys.[^1]. With that early quote Peggy Orenstein sets the tone for Boys & Sex. While understanding that we…
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins
I’m not sure the source, or where I heard it, but one of the maxim’s I’m working to live my life by goes something like this: > If you can’t intelligently argue both sides of an issue, you don’t understand your position. With that in mind I grabbed a copy of The God Delusion by…
Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Home – Book Review
> Rather than each spouse seeking their own gratification, he and she should focus more on how to meet their mate’s needs and desires. With that Ron Price sets the tone for Play Nice in Your Sandbox at Home. The book is structured around his PLAY NICE acronym – **P**lay Together – **L**ook for the…
The Taxpayer, Third Expedition – SFS 003
Today’s edition of Science Fiction Saturday is going to cover two stories from The Martian Chronicles. 1. The Taxpayer 2. Third Expedition
The Summer Night, Earth Men – Science Fiction Saturday 002
Today we’re going to look at 2 more stories from Ray Bradbury’s The Martian Chronicles. The Summer Night and Earth Men. Subscribe for a weekly dose of Science Fiction.
Free-Range Kids Book Review
> An unwatched child is a tragedy waiting to happen. Early in the book Lenore Skenazy sets the tone for the book, one that’s going to shine a light on the fairly crazy claims like the one above. Skenazy’s purpose is to help us tease out what is really worth being afraid of when it…