Category: Links of Interest
Women Couldn’t Do These Things
A sad list of things women couldn’t do in America in 1971. While some of this is better, I just finished reading Invisible Women1 and in many ways we’re barely in a better spot for women now. We can and should be doing better people. I’ll edit the review later today and have it up…
Silicon Valley “Disruption” Isn’t That Transformative
Out of a longer piece on “disruption” in Silicon Valley. Because, let’s face it, Silicon Valley technology in nearly all cases isn’t so transformative that it would simply replace the existing systems on its merits. Uber isn’t better than a good mass-transit system; Facebook isn’t better than actual friendship; YouTube videos aren’t better than quality…
There Are No Notifications in a Notebook
I also love paper and in addition to Om’s other reasons, this is a big one. Paper and pen allow you to focus, as there are no notifications in a notebook. When taking notes in a notebook, you are unlikely to be distracted with the latest tweet from your friend or the President. I even…
I Live on the “Soft” End of Town
I like that I can answer yes to [every single one of these questions]( > Imagine yourself sitting in your home. What’s right outside your front door, and what’s within a 10-minute walk of it? Can you make it to a grocery store or a café on foot, or do you have to drive? Is…
Like a Fat Man Loosening His Belt to Prevent Obesity
[I enjoyed the whole article on parking and housing but this line made me laugh out loud]( > Lewis Mumford famously said “Building more roads to prevent congestion is like a fat man loosening his belt to prevent obesity.” I did want a house with a yard, but the more I live close to downtown…
Joe Buhlig Has Me Tempted to Look at OmniFocus Again
Okay so [Joe has me tempted to look at OmniFocus]( again, [despite]( my [love]( of notebooks and a modified [Bullet Journal]( system. Here’s the thing though, my system works for what my life is now so I’m not going to change it. That said, if I was to take a job somewhere or have some…
Women Don’t Feel They Deserve Long Stretches of Alone Time Like Men Do
[From Brigid Schulte in The Guardian]( > it’s not that women haven’t had the talent to make their mark in the world of ideas and art. They’ve never had the time. And > Feminist researchers have also found that many women don’t feel that they _deserve_ long stretches of time to themselves, the way men…
An Hour of Free Play Is Like a Drop of Water in the Desert
[An hour of free play is like a drop of water in the desert]( > According to the psychologist Peter Gray, children today are more depressed than they were during the Great Depression and more anxious than they were at the height of the Cold War. A 2019 study published in the Journal of Abnormal…
Medicine Is Family Friendly if You’re in the Right Field
[So medicine is sort of family friendly, at least if you’re in the right field]( > Medicine has become something of a stealth family-friendly profession, at a time when other professions are growing more greedy about employees’ time. Jobs increasingly require long, inflexible hours, and pay disproportionately more to people who work them. But if…
I Promise I Don’t Check Social Media That Much
[Mike Schmitz over at The Sweet Setup about a distraction free phone]( > Looking back, it’s safe to say no one really knew what that “internet communications device” piece would morph into. At the time, there were no third-party apps and the App Store wouldn’t appear for another year after the original iPhone was released.…