Category: Links of Interest

  • Fedora 40 on Framework 13″ Laptop


    I’m usually quite a bit behind on updating to the latest operating system because most of the bugs get worked out if I wait a few months. Thus I’m happy to say that I upgraded to Fedora 40 this week on my Framework laptop and have had no real issues. The only thing that was…

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  • I Just Blocked AI


    I’ve been meaning to get around to this for a while but based on Robb Knight’s many blog posts on how bad AI companies are treating the web I finally added a block to all AI bots to my site at the server level. What galls me most about this is that AI companies keep…

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  • Duped by Google 2FA


    If you’ve got a Google account you’ll be familiar with their custom 2 factor security model. When you sign into your device you are asked to verify the sign in on another device. Yes the support rolling code 2FA as well, but they make it hard to get to behind a few other clicks which…

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  • Matt has the right gif for my thoughts on iPadOS


    Entirely stealing from Matt Birchler. I love my iPad but I feel like Charlie Brown and Apple is Lucy. I trust she won’t pull the football away again like she always does, but she’s going to. I always hope Apple will push my favourite form factor device just a bit more so I can use…

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  • The Rabbit R1 is Hiding More than you Thought


    Yes tech reviewers widely panned the Rabbit R1 as not useful at all. But the scams from the company go even further with it originally being an NFT/Crypto/Clean Energy company that raised money and didn’t deliver. So the same Crypto scammers are getting in on AI scams now.

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  • Lou on the iPad Release


    While I don’t think the new iPad release is compelling I also agree with Lou Don’t let anyone else tell you how you should feel or use your personal technology. Use what works for you. Enjoy it without shame. This goes for anything you enjoy that’s not harmful to others. Enjoy the music you enjoy…

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  • The M4 iPad Pro is Faster


    So the new iPad Pro is faster and has a better screen and is thinner. All things I would expect for an incremental upgrade. Reading further through the reports about the iPad I see nothing that makes it a compelling purchase to replace my M1 iPad Pro. I bet I’ll still have issues with some…

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  • The iPad isn’t a Mac


    Jason Snell speaking about the reveal of what would become the M series chips in the iPad Pro: But that boast also drew the iPad into direct comparisons with PC laptops, and while its sheer hardware power might have defeated most of those laptops, power isn’t everything. It’s what you do with the power. And…

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  • Nothing beats experience


    Matt tells an excellent story about fixing his furnace that relates very much to learning anything. While Matt was able to fix some of the issues with his furnace, some were beyond his time spent on YouTube researching. After the HVAC came for the final problem, he fixed it by hitting it with a wrench.…

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  • 3D Printed Macintosh Studio


    These are the types of projects I imagine I’d do, but then I have other things that monopolise my time. Very cool iPad Mini and MacStudio project.

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