Category: PKM
Introduction to Markdown – with some Obsidian Extras
If you’re not familair with Markdown, then today is for you. We’ll cover the basics of Markdown, and then toss in a fex extra’s that are specific to [Obsidian](
What Makes A Good Zettelkasten Note
I’ve done a bunch of videos on my Obsidian setup and even walked you through how I use Obsidian to track both book notes and random notes on other things I’m reading. Today we’re not going to talk so much about a piece of software as what type of data should be in your notes…
Obsidian Files on Your iPad with 1Writer
While I’ve been loving [Obsidian]( over the last few months as my main idea connection and research application, it does have one big shortcoming for those of us that are iPad first in our work. **There is no iPad/mobile application**. Yes one is coming, but it may be a while before we get it and…
Use Obsidian to Take Notes on Books
When I read something I want to make sure that I understand it. For a long time now I’ve been keeping physical notebooks to go with the non-fiction that I read. I think that the requirement to write down anything important in a book is a great filter because if it’s too much work to…
Getting Started with Networked Thought in Obsidian
Today we’re going to do a walk through with []( for those of you that are getting started with networked thought in Obsidian. ## Links – [Obsidian]( – [Obsidian Forums]( – [iA Writer]( – [1Writer]( – The Second Mountain: [Independent Bookstore]( | [Amazon]( – Stillness is the Key: [Independent Publisher]( | [Amazon]( – [Reeder Review](…
How I Organize the Notes on My Reading
For most of the last 2 years I’ve taken any notes on my reading by hand. I figure that if a quote or thought isn’t worth the time it takes to write it down by hand then it’s not worth keeping track of. Far too many digital tools make capture so easy that we have…