Category: Random
Building Quality WordPress Themes – Theme Unit Test
A while ago I wrote about error logging in WordPress. Today we’re going to look further at testing your theme by using the WordPress Theme Unit Test. The Theme Unit Test is really just a sample data file to download with a bunch of things for you to check on your theme. I just have…
WordPress 3.1 and Post Formats
WordPress 3.1 is just around the corner so let’s take a quick look at one of the new features that we’ll get to take advantage of with the new version. What are Post Formats Basically post formats are little bits of meta information meant to change the display of the posts. So a link post…
Building Good WordPress Themes – Error Logging
We’re working on something like a series providing tips and talking about building solid WordPress themes. Today’s short tip is about setting debug options in your wp-config.php file. WP_DEBUG handles error display in WordPress. If you’re building a theme you need to make sure that no errors are a result of your theme. You can…
Don’t Worry About Bike Weight
Go take a look at any cycling forum that has a large quantity of road bikers and you’ll see lots of discussion about the weight of part X or vs the weight of part Y. You may even find some people trying to figure out which hub has the least rolling resistance so that they…
WordPress StackExchange Question of the Week – November 15 – 21
This weeks question is more a round up of WordPress resources. If you’re interested in WordPress development then hit up this list and start reading the blogs of some of the brightest minds in WordPress. Truth to tell there are probably more resources here than most people could go through on a regular basis.
You Make Your Comments Suck
Today Smashing Magazine published a thoughtful article on the state of blog comments. They cite our lack of time, A+++ comments, and a bunch of other stuff while they talk to us about the lack of meaningful conversation in posts. Sure we’re all flying this way and that way online in our lives but I…
Building High Quality WordPress Themes
Lately I’ve been working through WordPress documentation on the recommended best practices for building WordPress themes. I figure that going through all the recommendations of WordPress not only teaches me how to be a better WordPress developer but also lets me server my clients better (and doing the best work for my clients is what…
I Wish Adobe Would Die – Or Adobe’s Customer Service Motto, We’re not happy till you’re not happy
Update So Adobe got wind of this little blog post and got in touch. Greatly reduced cost on the upgrade to CS5. You can read my thoughts on it here. Recently I made the switch to a fully OS X environment. For a few months now I’ve been doing all my design work on PC…
Tips on Picking a WordPress Plugin
On many of my long term projects my clients are heavily involved in the development cycles. We mark everything that’s not in the current cycle as a ‘future feature’ and collect information on it as we work out the items that are currently marked as features. Often, as we look at a particular piece of…