In this 4-week crash course you’ll learn to build a personal knowledge management system that’s biased towards building your knowledge. Stop letting your ideas get lost!

Start Making Connections

assorted puzzle game

It’s so easy to take notes and much harder to turn those notes into connections you can use in your life.

In this course, we’ll be focusing on how to make connections and then do something with them. Some people will want to write, others will want to make videos, and some will use these connections to be better parents/partners/people.

The point is to make connections that help you.

The OLD Way

I still remember sitting with my friend Miles when Evernote came out. We wrote things on napkins while my kids ran around and marvelled that it sort of got the text right. We both dove into Evernote and started putting everything in it.

Then we rarely used those notes at all.

Of course, we all have great intentions about going back to our notes, but they quickly become overwhelming and the thought of even looking at the clutter keeps us from opening our notes at all.

When you get nothing out of the notes, you stop looking at them.

photo of woman writing on tablet computer while using laptop

A good process is tool agnostic

– Curtis

It’s about the process

A good process is going to be platform agnostic. In this connection-making crash course you’re going to build a process that can work in Craft or Obsidian or Remnote…or whatever system comes out in the future.

After seeing several of his videos on YouTube, I reached out to Curtis. We worked together over several sessions on technical details within Obsidian, possible workflows, and suggested best practices – a key one for me was using the random note plug-in to seed a session and start making connections. I really enjoyed his ability to grasp both what I was interested in doing and where I needed help getting unstuck.

Rob S PhD

This course is for you if…

  • you’re ready to start building a network of knowledge
  • you’re tired of a pile of notes you do nothing with.
  • you want to make regular progress in developing your ideas
  • you want to get a handle on the knowledge in your career

If you want to learn new things like…

  • how unpopular economic policy is enforced with violence
  • a new coding language
  • or how to be a better parent

If you want to produce…

  • books, newsletters or content out of your hard won insights
  • YouTube videos based on what you find interesting
  • personal growth out of your reading so you can be a better person

But the course isn’t for everyone

If you’re looking for the latest best shiny application, don’t sign up for the course.

If you spend way too much time optimizing instead of doing, this may not be a good fit unless you’re willing to change.

If you’re looking for an end-to-end system that you can just use, that’s not here. I help people build a system that works for their needs.

What we’ll cover

Lesson 1 - Your System
  • understanding what type of system you want to build
  • the difference between taking notes and making connections
  • folders vs tags vs links – when to use each
  • the importance of good process that’s tool agnostic
Lesson 2 - Stop the Noise
  • how to process incoming material
  • breaking through the noise
  • notes as a discussion with your thoughts and your research material
Lesson 3 - Grow Connections
  • connection making prompts
  • your areas of focus
  • recognizing when you’re spinning your wheels
Lesson 4 - Dive into production
  • when are ideas “ready”
  • what will you be producing?
  • processes for tracking production

Stop switching tools

A new tool usually only masks a bad process because the new tool is shiny

Start making progress

I’ll help you make progress in making connections so you have something to show for all your notes.

Stop taking your bad process with you.

What’s it cost?

Who is Curtis?

Curtis has used this note system to produce hundreds of YouTube videos. He used early versions of connection-making systems to write multiple books, some of which were best sellers.

Curtis has helped C-Suite thinkers develop their business ideas and launch them to a 6-figure monthly income.

Curtis has helped research scientists build out their research systems so they can track all the stuff that comes in.

Curtis uses his own system to read over 60 books a year and produce content based on that research.

Full refund requests go to and will be granted before the end of the first week the course starts. No refunds are offered after the first week.
February 2022 start:
– Lesson 1 – Friday February 18th at 9am Pacific
– Lesson 2 – Friday February 25th at 9am Pacific
– Lesson 3 – Friday March 4 at 9am Pacific
– Lesson 4 – Friday March 11 at 9am Pacific

For 1-on-1 coaching you’ll be provided with a booking calendar to choose the times that work for both of us.
You can submit your questions and I’ll answer them during the lesson time and there will be recordings available after the lesson times so you can review the lesson at a later date.
If you want access to all my courses after the first year, you should become a member. Members even get discounts to these types of coaching sessions.
A good system will be platform agnostic. I’m very familiar with many of the options out there and if you have 1-on-1 coaching I can help you, but the goal is for you to build your own system that works for you in the software you prefer.