Jason Snell on iOS Roadblocks
From Jason: As I wrote earlier this month, I ended up finishing my Six Colors Report Card story on the Mac because I ran into several roadblocks when I tried to finish the project on my iPad. He has a bunch of minor things that he couldn’t “just do” on an iPad and so…he went…
What is a parent’s Job?
The last two weeks my oldest has been late to school at least once. It’s a big event for her because she hates being late, but then she’s slow as molasses (like most kids) when it comes to getting ready. Today’s video is about how I let her have a problem because this is the…
This is NOT a complete review of Things 3
While I’ve been reliant on paper based productivity for a while now, there is something about a digital task manager that still seems useful to me during times that my business is ramping up in complexity. I started this review in late September 2018 when I had 3 code projects going, 6 writing assignments for…
iPad and Mac Mini
My next computer will be a mini so I liked this post about what Frederico Viticci is doing to control his Mac from his iPad.
Cory on snowballs
Cory says: Even though today I am starting with a bigger snowball than I did 11 years ago, I wasn’t purposeful or consistent or deliberate enough to have built my next snowball while the other snowball — iThemes — had gained substantial momentum and now is rolling successfully without me. Unfortunately most business owners fall…
Freelance Friday 041 – Feb 8 2019
I totally almost missed this one. Currently 10:44pm after a long day starting at 4:45am with a run of 10km with a friend with a late board meeting and now an email to send. If you think that’s a long day, then you can guess how my week has been and felt. Lots to do…
Hustling in Seasons and Being Dad
Much is said about hustle, or the lack thereof. Today I want to remind you that if you want different results than you have now, you’re going to have to change something. If you want something to blow up, you’re going to have to put the work in. Casey on Hustle: https://youtu.be/1YzwjfwNeEg Last weeks video…
Kids act like we act
After reading this piece by Austin Kleon, I was reminded of what I wrote recently about cutting device time for my kids. Putting them both together, if I want my kids to spend less time on devices and bugging me about device time I need to be on my stuff less. They see what I…
Consume or Create?
Shawn Blanc: As you seek to build a creative habit, it is professional-grade to be intentional with that time. You do this by (1) planning ahead; (2) scheduling yourself time to work; and (3) removing as many distractions as possible. This is literally what any top performer does. I said to patreon last week that…
Cutting kid device time
In this great article on letting kids be bored here is one highlight. When not being uberparented, kids today are left to their own devices — their own digital devices, that is. Parents preparing for a long car ride or airplane trip are like Army officers plotting a complicated land maneuver. Which movies to load…