• Elon Musk an emotionally fragile baby


    Just how emotionally fragile is Elon Musk? Listen to the first episode of Elon Spies to hear about him accusing a man of molesting children because that man is an expert in cave diving and cave diving rescue who looked at Elon’s idea for a rescue and said it straight. Elon’s idea was dumb and…

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  • Tech Execs don’t care about the Climate Crisis


    The statements of tech executives and the actions of the companies they have influence over should be setting off alarm bells in government and throughout the public. Silicon Valley is increasingly clear: they do not see the climate crisis as a serious threat. The billionaires created by the personal computer and internet booms believe they…

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  • Rands on Your Writing


    I write for me. When I write about programming it’s because I want to remember something I just learned. When I write about other stuff it’s for similar reasons, to help solidify my thoughts on a topic. If others like it, that’s a bonus.

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  • Software doesn’t think, RSS and 15 years of Vim – 3 Threads


    This is brought to you by members. Become one to get my book notes and keep the content coming. Software can’t think for you Casey Newton has a great insight about productivity and thinking software. …software can’t automate your thinking. But I do think it can create the conditions for improved thinking: for making new…

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  • Matt’s been an ass for at least 14 years


    Yes Matt Mullenweg is being an ass, but this isn’t new. 14 years ago Matt got capital_P_dangit added to core without a Trac ticket testing or discussion. Justin Tadlock did a good summary of events at the time. That was when I decided I wanted to stay off Matt’s radar because they way he treated…

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  • I’d Rather Hear about it on your Blog


    Dave Winer celebrating 30 years of blogging and all the nice messages he’s been getting. I appreciate all of the messages, but would appreciate them even more if they were on your blog. We need to keep using the tech. Blogging is kind of lost, and I would like to see that change. Every time…

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  • The Fountain, ebooks and the manosphere – 3 Threads


    This is brought to you by members. Become a member or take a course to help keep the content coming. The Fountain and the Firehose Patrick Rhone looks at why we write. I like what Patrick has to say, and at the same time I’m continuing the link love by showing you a fountain that…

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  • Remote work, Text vs Video, Analogue Thinking – 3 Threads


    This is brought to you by members. Become one to help keep the site running. I Love Remote Work Joan Westenberg talks about the promise of remote work admist the current crackdown on it by many companies. On my end, our family only runs because I can set my own hours and work at home.…

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  • Atlas Headrest for Embody Chair


    I just got my Embody chair yesterday and while it’s very comfortable, it doesn’t come with a headrest. I’m planning to give it a few weeks to see if I need one, but if so the Atlas Headrest has matching fabric for almost every Embody option and based on the YouTube reviews I’ve seen this…

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  • Better than Eames lounge chair?


    You may not know you’ve seen it, but the Eames lounge chair is an icon showing up on movie sets all the time. I’ve wondered about one as I look for a new reading chair, but the $6k starting price tag puts it far outside my price range. According to the video below the Elvin…

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