• Opt Out of Gemini Email Summaries


    If you want to use Gmail then 404 has a post on how to turn off Gemini summaries but of course the easiest way to do this is to not use Gmail. Proton is a good option.

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  • Don’t Confront Powerful People


    Once again, don’t go into the company of powerful people, particularly white ones, and point out the obviousness of systemic racism. They have a label for that, “identity politics.” When you think independently of the narrative that people are comfortable with, you make them uncomfortable and based on my experience, that is a grave sin.…

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  • Justice, Power, and the Trap of Weaponized Gratitude – Lessons from Right Thing Right Now by Ryan Holiday


    Reminder if you’re part of the book club and have thoughts on this month’s book I encourage you to publish them and send me a link so I can include it in next week’s wrap up of our book for January. A core topic of discussion in Holiday’s look at justice in Right Thing Right…

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  • On ebooks and ereaders and the value of friction


    The question about using Kindle, or any electronic reading device, brings up many emotions for people. Some swear by them and some swear that they make you dumber, while others feel nostalgic for the smell and feel of a book without weighing in deeper than expressing their personal preference. I’ve had a bunch of Kindle…

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  • SelfHosted – Best Self Hosted Apps of 2024


    The title is a bit meta, but there are some excellent options on this list of best self hosted apps of 2024. I’ll set up Pinchflat to give my younger children access to YouTube creators that don’t label their content as kid friendly because that breaks their monetization, but are still totally fine to watch.…

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  • Federico always makes me want to use my iPad more


    While it’s older, I just read Federico talk about his 11″ iPad Pro setup and as usual I want to use the iPad more. I don’t think Apple is any better than other large tech companies but I’ve tried other tablets and the iPad is the best tablet on the market. Nothing has even come…

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  • Apple wants as much of your data as it can get too


    Unsurprisingly Apple gets as much of your data as it can. Apple fans dunk on Microsoft for ads and tracking, but Apple isn’t any better with it’s service upsell’s in system and all the tracking it does. But “Apple is a better company”…so that makes it okay? Except for the fealty payments to an insurrectionist.…

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  • Mechanical Keyboard modded with TouchID switch


    What the title says, here is a mechanical keyboard modded to have a TouchID switch. I love fingerprint authentication which I have on my TouchID keyboards for the macOS systems I have around and on my Framework 13″ laptop. I plan to build a Linux desktop this year and need to look into adding fingerprint…

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  • Apple storage is overpriced – here are some options


    Outside of the constant services Apple wants to push on users, or the fealty payments Tim Cook is making to the criminal insurrectionist president of the US, they charge stupid amounts for storage upgrades. At least there are options to avoid the Apple storage tax, even if you can’t stop the other crap they’re doing…

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  • Women’s Health Issues are Minimized and Ignored


    This is a heartbreaking story about an IUD that caused suicidal thoughts so that’s a content warning. What really gets me is that her medical professionals ignored her at first. Although after reading Invisible Women this doesn’t surprise me at all because it documents so many ways the experiences of women are deemed “too complicated”…

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