• On Saying Goodbye to WordPress


    Chris has just written about leaving WordPress due to it’s current governance structure. He ends with a plea to those still working in WordPress: I do, however, ask that you please consider the effects your actions have on others and be careful not to lead new victims to future abuse. I currently work on a…

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  • And 11ty enters the chat


    A few days ago I wrote about Chris going back to Hugo and had a list of site tools I’d look at then asked for suggestions. Well the only suggestion others made was 11ty which is a static site generator based on Node.

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  • Makoism – Excellent new site I found


    Wasn’t familiar with Makoism until today but flipping through the weekly posts I found lots of great other content to read so this is now in my RSS rotation.

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  • How Comics Were Made

    How Comics Were Made


    I just received my copy of How Comics Were Made in the mail and with a quick flip through the book I’m even more excited to dig in and enjoy the art and the history of comics. Here are a few sample images from the book to whet your appetite.

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  • Effort, reading and Geocities – 3 Threads


    This is provided by members who get access to my book notes so become one and keep the content coming. Do you try hard? It’s easy to put in the minimum effort required to get the job done, but nothing great has ever come from putting in the minimum amount of effort. What if you…

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  • I Don’t run macOS (btw)


    After my recent post about Hugo I’ve had at least one suggestion for an app to publish directly to WordPress without intervention. Unfortunately they were all macOS apps, which I don’t daily drive, and haven’t for 8 months. I use Linux, specifically Fedora 40 with KDE Plasma 6.2 on a Framework 13″ AMD Ryzen 7040…

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  • Maybe Hugo?


    Chris moved back to Hugo which puts it back on my radar. With the recent drama in WordPress I’m feeling more pressure to finally do something about changing how I manage my content. My biggest hurdle is wanting to write locally and then publish directly without needing to mess with the web interface of WordPress.…

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  • Elon Musk an emotionally fragile baby


    Just how emotionally fragile is Elon Musk? Listen to the first episode of Elon Spies to hear about him accusing a man of molesting children because that man is an expert in cave diving and cave diving rescue who looked at Elon’s idea for a rescue and said it straight. Elon’s idea was dumb and…

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  • Tech Execs don’t care about the Climate Crisis


    The statements of tech executives and the actions of the companies they have influence over should be setting off alarm bells in government and throughout the public. Silicon Valley is increasingly clear: they do not see the climate crisis as a serious threat. The billionaires created by the personal computer and internet booms believe they…

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  • Rands on Your Writing


    I write for me. When I write about programming it’s because I want to remember something I just learned. When I write about other stuff it’s for similar reasons, to help solidify my thoughts on a topic. If others like it, that’s a bonus.

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