On Switching Productivity Methods
So Trello has some real science based reasons you may switch productivity methods and tools before the benefits really stick. I think that it comes down to wanting to have some magic bullet to solve the problem of feeling overwhelmed because you couldn’t say no in the first place. Set better boundaries, and keep following…
Talking with Matt Medeiros about choosing a job after leading an agency
After talking with Adam Warner a few months back I’ve had a number of people reach out to say that they enjoyed the interview and Adam’s perspective on moving from Foo Plugins to Sitelock. Today we’re continuing in the same vein as I talk to Matt Medeiros. Matt is a founder of Slocum Studios along…
Something even scarier than New Zealand’s digital strip search, China of course
While I was none to pleased to read about New Zealand and it’s data policies, dang the Chinese outdo them by huge margins. China is working on a “social score”, which is going to be a ranking of how loyal/good you are according to the ruling party of China. Surveillance cameras will be equipped with…
Is Pocket ready for iPad Power Users?
Last week I took a look at Unread on iOS. One of the comments I made was that after using Unread, all other reading applications suddenly had a very high bar to jump. Where I once thought that Instapaper and Pocket had decent reading experiences, I realized that they were far behind Unread in this…
An alternate view on the 80/20 rule
James Clear has a great take on the 80/20 rule and why you just may not want to follow it exactly. This is the downside of the 80/20 Rule: A new path will never look like the most effective option in the beginning. and The 80/20 Rule will help you find the useful things in…
Photoshop coming to iOS
Adobe announced that Photoshop is coming to iOS. Not a stripped down version, but a real full version. While this won’t tempt me away from Pixelmator and VSCO I’m glad to see more powerful apps coming to iOS. I just spent a minute to think harder about what I was missing still…and I can’t think…
Some tips to get through New Zealand’s digital strip search
So New Zealand has one of the worst laws regarding your rights to any type of digital privacy. At the border, they can now demand, your PINs, passwords, and biometric unlocking of your devices. If that sounds like it sucks to you, then here are some suggestions to make yourself just a bit more secure.…
On Reading Lots of Books
This article by Darius Foroux got me thinking more about my reading schedule. My current aim is to read a single book a week. As you can see on my Goodreads Profile, I’ve been averaging more than that for a few years. What I haven’t done is re-read the best books, and I rarely read…
How Does Distracted Parenting Affect Kids
In this interesting article from The Atlantic, we find that it’s a big deal to have our interactions with our children interrupted by notifications. Based on the title, and my own thoughts, this was the outcome I expected from the article. It does drive home how pronounced the affect is, particularly in younger children. We’re…
How Simon Reads
I’m a sucker for the ways that others interact with books and take notes on the things they’re reading. Simon’s post is very detailed, covering the four main steps in reading books. Sourcing Choosing Reading Processing He even has some fancy scripts that send Amazon books to Airtable and then … that part got to…