Paul Jarvis on Being “known”
I feel some of this as I write across multiple topics. I’ve been told many times that I need to stick to a tighter lane of content, but I’m interested in so many things and they all come together to make the business/freelance content be what it is for you readers that come for it.…
iOS and Citations
While I love being iOS first, there are often some silly workarounds still. I’ve got one for my YouTube workflow that you’ll see in a week or so. Here is a bit of a silly workaround if you’re trying to reference sources properly for academic writing. I say silly, because you have to do the…
So you’ve got “green dots” in Yoast
My friend John takes a look at the real meaning of the green dots in Yoast SEO. It’s a good run down of what it means. SEO is a bit of a black art to me. John occasionally sends me an email to tell me what I should be doing better than I am, for…
Cory Miller on the Power of Smiles
Cory says smiles are free and in his words: I could feel the warmth, the acceptance, the recognition back to me. Little pings from one human to another. And it felt … good. Really good. The light of others humans signaling to me and a resonating glow turned on inside of me. I try to…
Shawn Blanc on Overwhelm
If you’re feeling overwhelmed, then perhaps you feel as though you have been given too much. In fact, you’ve been given so much that you’re to the point of feeling buried and drown beneath a huge mass of stuff — from urgent issues, undone tasks, incoming requests of your time and energy, and more. And…
Are You Willing To Do The Work Needed to Be Successful?
We all have dreams of the products we’ll launch to wild fanfare. We will write it, and they will come…or not. Many people enjoy doing the work to build something, and then they want to be done. They don’t want to do the marketing needed. They want to send off their work into the world…
Evernote makes me sad
There is a good discussion here by Steve Dotto and Francesco D’Alessio on what is happening with Evernote. Years ago I would have said that Evernote changed my workflow. It made so so much easier. I loved it, and I don’t use it anymore. I haven’t used Evernote for years. I use Bear, and then…
Freelance Friday 026 – Oct 5 2018
This week has been mostly about getting my office setup after moving over the weekend. What I can say is, that my main desk is setup and that new fibre internet speeds of 300/300 make uploading YouTube videos and podcasts so much faster. Other than that, the boxes are slowly evacuating the office space and…
How I do WordPress development from my iPad
You can read the whole post over on The Sweet Setup but here are the pieces. Digital Ocean Vim Coda for iOS Ergo Webtools Also see my iPad desk setup for tips on how I make this easy on the body.
Other things don’t bring us Happiness
I think that’s the biggest problem with happiness. Why do we keep associating happiness with external things like career, love, and money? This from Darius Foroux. His main point is that we shouldn’t rely on external things to make us happy. They will let us down.