Producing a winning proposal
The subject of my latest piece at Liquid Web is why you might not be able to talk to the buyer of a project. Do you know the difference between tactics and strategy? Do you know which one the buyer will want to talk about with a good consultant? A buyer that takes you seriously…
Follow Your Passion…and Buy My $4000 Bullshit Course to Find Out How
While I don’t follow social media much anymore, it seems that any time I dip in the best latest article that people are sharing is some guru writing about how you need to follow you passion. They tell you that once they started to just do what they wanted, the money came rolling in. Of…
Freelance Friday 014 – July 13 2018
This week I met with my new coach. This coach is all about helping me write and publish a great book. Yes I’ve written 6 and currently have 5 for sale, but the sales have always been much smaller than my dreams. So I stopped going it alone and hired someone to help. If you’ve…
Should I Read It 023 – Linchpin by Seth Godin
If you’ve been looking for something to read to help you stand out from the crowd, then today’s book is going to give you a swift kick in the head to help you stand out. Purchase Linchpin on Amazon Written Review of Linchpin This episode of Should I Read It is brought to you by…
Do I need to take a class to get started freelancing?
This is based off an answer I gave on Quora. Figure out what you’re going to do. what are you good at now? what will people pay for? what is the target market you’re looking at? Where will you offer your services? – is Upwork worth it? – what about testing your ideas on Fivver…
Getting Past the Gatekeeper So You Can Have a Winning Proposal
Over on the Liquid Web blog I wrote about some tactics you can use to woo the buyer on a project. In my last post I talked about the importance of talking to the buyer for your project. I introduced the idea of the gatekeeper there. To recap, the gatekeeper is anyone that doesn’t have…
10 Ways to Stand Out from the Crowd as a WordPress Developer
We get to work in an amazing industry. We get to work with a number of clients from small businesses where we help make dreams come true, to large corporations on huge projects. But this industry depth also means that it can be hard to stand out as a freelancer or an agency. In fact,…
Chris Lema on serving your inbox
Is your inbox your boss? While I may check email at some point any day of the week the only day I put effort in to clearing up what’s in it is Friday. See Friday I’m between calls so there isn’t really much I can do once I start on the call and meeting bandwagon.…
Cal Newport on Open Offices
Newport cites a new study on open office plans, interruption and face-to-face interactions. The short version is that open offices promote less face-to-face interaction, more IM/Slack and more email. So we have more digital distraction and less of the thing that the office was supposed to promote. This quote sums up my feelings on the…
Freelance Friday 013 – July 06 2018
It’s my first “full” week back after vacation and while many of my American readers had a celebration on July 4th, up in Canadaland we celebrated on July 1st for Canada Day. So I still had a day off this week. The big thing I’ve pushed forward this week was my next book, tentatively called…