When bad things happen just after success, maybe you’ve hit your Upper Limit
I don’t know anyone who wakes up and plans to have an unsuccessful day. Nobody plans to fight with their spouse or clients. No one plans to let projects run late or get sick or spend more than they earn. But these things happen all the time, and some of these things we can control.…
How looking for benefits harms your business
Are you susceptible to the ‘any benefit’ trap? Something new comes along, and you can only focus on a single alluring feature, completely ignoring the trade-offs (negatives) that may come along with it. The Any-Benefit Approach to Network Tool Selection: You’re justified in using a network tool if you can identify any possible benefit to…
From one off client projects to recurring clients with Jason Resnick
Today we’re going to talk with Jason Resnick about productizing your business. This is a ‘long’ show of 10 whole minutes. Questions we cover Tell me what your business was like before you productized. Give me an overview of your current week now. How does a business owner make that jump to a productized business?…
How to keep yourself organized during a project
I’m proud of you — you’ve won some client work. You were smart and took your time. You asked the right questions and listened to the answers your prospect provided. You gave them options to choose from and turned their decision from whether to work with you or someone else into a decision about which…
From single projects to recurring work
Finding and acquiring new clients is a lot of work. You’ve got to spend time marketing so prospects know, like, and trust you. Then you’ve got to spend time vetting them as a prospect so you can make sure they’re a good fit for your services. Next you need to write a great proposal that…
Why learning is crucial to a business owner
You need to be a learner if you want to stay successful. It can’t stop when you launch your business and start to get some clients. You need to keep learning. Links How to get the most out of your reading Series on learning
4 ways you sabotage your sales process
Sales is a crucial part of running any business. Let’s revise that — sales is a crucial part of any successful business. If you don’t want to run a successful business then by all means forget about marketing and sales. You don’t need to do them if your goal is failure (or at best, mediocrity).…
A 3-step marketing plan for your business
Don’t buy into the Hollywood fantasy that if you build it, they will come. I know it’s easy to get stars in your eyes when you see the “internet stars” who appear to have achieved stardom overnight. But if you dig deeper, you might learn that 99% of them worked for 10-20 years without anyone…
Here’s how you follow up with past clients
One of your biggest resources for continued work is your past clients. You’ve already done great work for them and they liked you, so why do you let them go off and work with other people. Links Contactually
Defeat worry with these 4 questions
Some of us have a problem with worry. It doesn’t matter what we’re worrying about — we can find a way to worry about pretty much anything. If business is bad, we worry how we’ll find new clients. If business is going well, we wonder which current client will end up being a problem, and…