• What is Essential in your life?

    What is Essential in your life?


    Quick question: Do you want to be scattered, running around like a chicken with your head cut off or do you want to be able to focus on the most fun, Essential parts of your work? Yeah that’s a softball — pretty much everyone is going to choose to focus on work that’s Essential. With…

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  • How to get the most out of the books you read

    How to get the most out of the books you read


    The cheapest and best resource at your disposal to learn new things is the age-old book. For very little money or effort, you get access to the thoughts of people you look up to. Even if you were able to buy a bit of their time for a one-on-one consult, it would cost you ten…

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  • Which medium is most effective for learning?


    With a myriad of resources out there, how do you choose what is worth your time? What medium is the most effective?

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  • What is commander’s intent, and why does your team need it?

    What is commander’s intent, and why does your team need it?


    In July 2015 I was in Mexico, working with a team building a house for a local church leader. This is not the ‘nice’ part of Mexico where there are big hotels with slides and pools. This is the part of Mexico where they pick the fruit you eat out of a can. This is…

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  • Why I keep a paper notebook and you should to

    Why I keep a paper notebook and you should to


    In a world with so many awesome digital tools, and in a life where I love Evernote despite its issues, I still carry a paper pocket notebook every day and fill all 48 pages in about a week and a half. I also carry a large notebook in my bag that I use to take…

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  • How do you decide which topics to focus your learning on?


    With so much content out there, how do you decide which avenue or idea is the best one to focus on for your improvement?

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  • Trouble happens! How do we get stronger through it?

    Trouble happens! How do we get stronger through it?


    When hard times come, do you want to be the type of person that makes it through the fire to the other side, refined by that fire? Of course you do! Assuming anything else would be…silly. How does one become resilient through trials, though? What traits are evident in those who have not only survived…

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  • If you want a successful business, you need to be a learner

    If you want a successful business, you need to be a learner


    I regularly get asked what the one thing is that business owners need to do/have to be successful. A variation of this is what is the one thing that helped me grow my business to the success it has today? While it’s hard to pin down one thing that can take your business from nothing…

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  • 7 Books to make you a better consultant


    1 Getting Naked The biggest takeaway I had was to just ask questions if you don’t know. I do this even in everyday life because there is always someone that doesn’t know. I’ve decided I’m just the person that’s always going to ask. 2 The Price is Right Best and shortest overview of pricing strategy…

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  • Marketing the Duct Tape Way

    Marketing the Duct Tape Way


    Over the years I’ve recommended Duct Tape Marketing more than once. I read it when I was getting my business started and found it very helpful. Any book that sticks with you for years is worth reading a second time. This is the real test of a book’s sticking power — if it holds your…

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