What does a good productivity system look like?
I know you want to find the right tool to get your job done. That one magical thing that fits your mode of working and suddenly you’re getting all your tasks done all the time. In this quest we all end up searching around trying whatever new thing shines the brightest. Each of these options…
GTD, Zeigarnick open loops and Pomodoro
I know you want to be productive, actually a better word is effective. I say effective and NOT productive because you could productively do work that you shouldn’t have been doing in the first place. Effective is doing well the work that you should be doing. Today I’m going to talk about GTD, Zeigarnik effect,…
Fighting Resistance and Listening to your Muse: The War of Art by Steven Pressfield
The War of Art by Steven Pressfield is an oft-cited book for any ‘artist’ to read. While Pressfield mainly talks about a more typical artist in the book (painter, sculptor, writer…) I extend this to anyone doing creative work. Even those writing code. In The War of Art, Pressfield attempts to address the invisible force…
If you want your questions with prospects to flow – it takes prep
This month we talked about a few questioning methods. I hope you did your practicing because without it you’re not going to get better at delving deeper with your clients. The thing is, you can’t just use a single method of questioning — you need to get comfortable enough with the different methods to flow…
Learning to Flow between questioning methods with clients
We’ve spent the month talking about questions to ask clients and how to ask them. One thing to remember is that you don’t just use one method for the whole call, that’s going to sound wooden. Use all of them and learn to flow between them. Maybe start with the 5 Why’s and then when…
You already have Enough: A look at contentedness with Patrick Rhone author of Enough
Are you content? I don’t just mean with your earnings or family or relationships, but I mean with everything? Do you feel you’re ‘famous’ enough? Are you happy with the number of pants and shirts you own? Alternatively, are you just waiting for the next released T-shirt from whatever your favourite band is? Are you…
The five Ws you need answered by a prospect
You’ve probably heard of the Five W’s (and one H) before. If you don’t remember them, let’s review them — or at least a variation of them you can use with prospects. Who is responsible? or Who is the buyer? What needs to happen? Where do we expect to see change? When does the project…
The Questions you need answered before you get on the phone with a prospect
There are a few questions you need answered before you even get on the phone with a prospect. This is all part of vetting prospects to make sure they fit your ideal client profile. Watch today’s episode to hear what my required questions are. Why I require my initial questions answered Effective Client Email
Is Happiness an Advantage? Looking at The Happiness Advantage by Shawn Achor
We all know people who are generally happy and others who are generally unhappy. Some people just seem wired to be one or the other. The happy ones remain so, despite the tough world that sometimes wages around them, while the unhappy ones could win the lottery and be upset that they had to spend…
Show interest in your prospects’ problems with echoing questions
When your prospects read your proposal they want to read about their problems — in the words they use. When your prospects talk to you before a proposal they want to hear their words coming out of your mouth. They want to hear their business problems and know that you’re interested. They want to feel…