Sitting in the middle is nothing to be ashamed of
We’ve got heroes all around us — people like DHH (founder of Ruby on Rails and Basecamp), Tim Ferris, Brennan Dunn, and Nathan Barry. For big WordPress shops, some of the heroes are 10up, Web Dev Studios, Human Made or Crowd Favorite. They are the stories of wild success out of seemingly nowhere (though most…
Don’t just focus on your rights
Way to many of us service professionals get all wrapped up in what we deserve. How we should be treated. What we should be paid. What type of treatment does the client deserve though? Are you so wrapped up in what you deserve you don’t even bother to think about what your clients deserve.
I want to think I’m better than you
One of the Slack channels I’m in has been getting pretty negative recently. On the particular day I’m thinking of a member of the WordPress community launched a new service. As with much marketing copy, his promotional announcement made some ‘bold’ claims. Not inaccurate, but bold given the skills of the developer. Soon after, the…
Client-Centered Web Development
There’s a problem with my regular work, and I typically don’t see it. But that’s the problem — I don’t see it and that means my clients don’t see it either. But when building something as ephemeral as software, progress comes in fits and starts, sometimes to the point of feeling illusory. ~ The Grumpy…
4 Steps Towards Fulfillment
What on earth does being fulfilled mean? Does it mean having all the money you want? Does it mean being ‘famous’ in your sphere of influence? Does it mean having a big house or fancy computer or fancy … whatever? It means none of those things. Another word I like to use for fulfillment is…
March 2015 Reading
Today’s post is my monthly reading wrap-up. Here are my thoughts on the books I read in March. Enjoy. 1. The Dragon’s Path Get The Dragon’s Path on Amazon. This book was actually a surprise for me since it was included at the end of Leviathan Wakes. And a good surprise, too, since this is…
On Negativity
What you surround yourself with is going to influence you. Careful what you surround yourself with.
Don’t Just Be an Imitation
When you get started with any activity you start by emulating those who are better than you. This process starts in childhood. Maybe it was watching your dad shave and then standing beside him shaving, even though you had no actual need to shave. Maybe it was doing your hair like that person you looked…
Who helps you set your business boundaries?
Setting and sticking to weekly goals is hard for most of us. We find it reasonably easy to let ourselves down in places we’d never dream of letting a client down. We certainly wouldn’t stand for someone we were paying slacking in missed goals. Then we feel bad and plan to do better. Is this…
No Freelance Work? It’s a Marketing Problem
Despite hearing over and over from so many sources that there is a WordPress gold rush out there, I regularly hear from freelancers who are struggling to find work. They’re competent in that they can build a theme and do work that’s standards compliant. They are nice people with decent communication skills. Their projects accomplish…