How do you bill an unscopeable project
Ideally you’re going to get a project and talk to the client and come up with a fixed list of things that you need to do for the project. Sure, they almost always change a bit as you go, but that initial list is what you start with and what you base all your scope/project…
Make it easy for productivity to find you
Days spent in ‘flow’ is the dream of any creative. Programmers dream of writing code that works the first time, while your fingers fly gracefully across the keyboard and unicorns dance to the beauty of your code. Designers solve the client problem first, try and get sent gift baskets as clients weep and thank them…
How much do you follow up with clients?
Client work is what really pays my bills. Not the business book I wrote or the WordPress book, though they add a bit to the bottom line. Since it’s client work that pays the bills, I need to keep in touch with possible leads and older, awesome clients. Following up on possible projects I know…
Jealousy never thinks about time
Did you know that I teach programming at BCIT? I currently teach a few courses. I’m currently teaching an advanced WordPress developer class. We’re learning about AJAX requests, programming design patterns, transients, and a whole bunch of other WordPress things. And I seem pretty smart to my students. There is so much to learn and…
I was a guest on Genesis Office Hours
The awesome Carrie Dils runs the Genesis Office hours podcast and I was lucky enough to be asked to be a guest along with Angie Meeker. We talked about how many WordPress people are just ‘building stuff’ for clients not focusing on actually solving real business problems for them. Go listen to the episode.
Round Tripping to BeachPress mostly via bike
For me, BeachPress started 2 days early with travel. If you’re less interested in the cycling and travel portions and just want what I thought of BeachPress – read this post instead After a standard Friday morning involving my Mastermind Group and some extra family hang out time I loaded up my bike with my…
When business is hard – Lean In
Once I was on a group ride and we were racing down a mountain. Speeds hit between 60km and 70km an hour as we worked to see who was the fastest. We had a ‘newer’ rider with us as well and as we started to get close to 70km his bike started to wobble. Then…
Not fully focused
Recently I had 2 great podcast episodes about focus come across my path. 1. Overlap Technique When Sean talks about the overlap technique he means running an amazing consulting business and then rolling some of the profit from that in to a product. Then adding some training. And still doing client work. So that means…
When Consulting Sucks, stop your whining
Louis CK has a great bit about technology. Take a second and watch it, then read on. My takeaway line is: Like how quickly the guy thinks the world owes him something he knew existed only 10 seconds ago. I can so easily fall in to the same state of apathy when running my business.…
What about good WordPress podcasts
A while ago I wrote about the podcasts I think you must listen to. Out of that came a question: What about WordPress podcasts? Yes, I do listen to WordPress podcasts, just not very many of them. I actually subscribe to every consistent one out there. They simply are rarely worth the time spent listening.…