Riding In Seattle
I was in Seattle yesterday for a conference and took my bike because I figured I’d be able to get in an early morning ride. I took it easy this morning just because I wanted to enjoy the scenery I’m not used to. A few pictures from the ride below.
Enjoy The View
Just figured I’d share a picture from today’s ride. I am very lucky to live outside of Vanouver BC (Chilliwack actually) and have so many beautiful mountains around me. Any ride I go on has many spots that just take your breath away with their beauty. Sure I’m training but I also figure if I…
Train Where You’re Weak
We all have areas in our sport that make us cry (well at least parts we don’t look forward too) like hills, headwinds, group rides…and part of progressing as a rider is learning to love the things we hate. Typically the things we don’t like are also the things we’re not all that good at.…
Cycling Interval Workout – Race Pick Ups
This is my first season racing and I’ve found that attacks can come fast and furious. As soon as you’ve hung on through one attack someone else decides to do it again and you’ve got to go hard with little/no rest. With that in mind I’ve got a workout designed to make you go hard…
Even Splits – Cycling Endurance Workout
This is a great workout to build mental toughness as well as late race/ride power and endurance. For even splits you need to pick your route with care. Find a route that has the same difficulty on both the out and back leg. The goal here is to record your time at the turn around…
The Desire to Ride
I sit hear just itching to ride and wonder what is it that gives me this almost irresistable desire. I raced yesterday and worked hard, it’s pouring rain and cold out but all I can think of is a nice easy ride on my bike this afternoon. Obviously it’s not because I feel like I…
The First Road Race – The Aftermath
Any beginner that’s been reading the bike rags in the last year will have heard of Eve Stevens and her meteoric rise to the pro ranks. I’d be lying if I said that part of me didn’t want to come out of my first race with a story that in some way matched hers. We…
Billings Review – It’s Close but Not Quite
Edit:We had a server mishap so the images are missing and we’ll get back to them at some point. One of the first things any new freelancer (or anyone who’s put it off) is to nail down your estimating/invoicing workflow. If you can’t get an estimate out you can’t get a project, if you can’t…
Getting and Staying Hydrated
Inspired by this thread I figured I’d share a trick I use to drink water regularly. Like many people today I have a job that doesn’t really demand much of my physically. I sit at my desk all day and type or click a mouse and that’s about the extent of my physical activity during…
Beginner Racing
I’ve finally decided to jump in to the world of racing. I’m not sure if I’ve ever mentioned that this won’t actually be my first time racing bicycles this is just my first time racing on the road. In my younger years ( 12 − 20 ) I raced cross country mountain bikes in Ontario…