Tag: AI

  • I Just Blocked AI


    I’ve been meaning to get around to this for a while but based on Robb Knight’s many blog posts on how bad AI companies are treating the web I finally added a block to all AI bots to my site at the server level. What galls me most about this is that AI companies keep…

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  • The Rabbit R1 is Hiding More than you Thought


    Yes tech reviewers widely panned the Rabbit R1 as not useful at all. But the scams from the company go even further with it originally being an NFT/Crypto/Clean Energy company that raised money and didn’t deliver. So the same Crypto scammers are getting in on AI scams now.

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  • The Deflection of Real Harms in Favour of Future Fake Ones


    The AI industry has proven itself incredibly adept at deflecting interest from real harms to hypothetical ones, like the “risk” that the spicy autocomplete will become conscious and take over the world in order to convert us all to paperclips – Hypothetical AI election disinformation risks vs real AI harms In Number Go Up ,…

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  • Cory Doctrow – The Lies of AI


    While Matt was right about the current AI stock crash, there are also many epic lies being told about AI. From Cruise using 1.5 highly trained technicians per “autonomous” vehicle, to Musk trotting out a robot…or actually a guy in a robot suit, lots of what Big Tech is pushing is all hype and little…

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  • Birchtree with a balanced view of AI stock tanking


    Like Matt says, yesterday I got a bit of a smile on my face as I dreamed of the AI hype machine dying so quickly after it started as I watched stocks tumble. No I didn’t read the articles that were linked to, I just looked at “stock goes down” and thought “AI = failing”.…

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  • AI from Google, Stable Diffusion and others poisoned by CSAM


    According to a new study by the Stanford Internet Observatory shared with 404 Media ahead of publication, the researchers found the suspected instances of CSAM through a combination of perceptual and cryptographic hash-based detection and analysis of the images themselves. Largest Dataset Powering AI Images Removed After Discovery of Child Sexual Abuse Material When Reading Not…

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  • You Have Valuable Stuff in your Notes – PKM Weekly Dec 17 2023 – Issue 101


    If you get value out of this newsletter consider supporting it by becoming a member. You can either get my weekly thoughts or all my courses and my weekly thoughts. You could also purchase a course if that fits your needs better. You can get this in your inbox by signing up. There are Valuable…

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  • Some Books that Show how Lame AI Is


    Today we talk about the AI hype cycle and how bad AI really is when someone tries to make it fail. Plus, VC’s want you to believe their hype so they make money, that’s why we’re hearing about AI. To read the whole post become a member. Members get all my courses..

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  • Unsurprisingly People Who Profit off the work of Others Don’t Want to Pay For it


    Andreeson Horowitz says that Ai companies won’t be profitable if they have to pay the workers for the content they’re currently taking for free. I find it galling that Ai companies think they should get input for free, and then sell the output of our own work back to us. It’s like social media companies…

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  • In the name of AI Google is making its bad search worse


    According to David Pierce writing in The Verge, you’ll be getting Google’s AI, called Bard, at the top of your search results soon. So now you’ll have an AI summary, then a list of SEO crap articles about the topic. You’ll have to dig even further to find anyone real that has an opinion on…

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