Tag: basic income

  • And now I own a Yacht


    Back in 2014 the billionaire Nick Hanauer appealed to other 0.01%ers to support raising the minimum wage to $15/hour because it would promote equality. Sitting 10-years later I can’t look at the article as anything but laughable in that it tries to sound reasonable and appeal to rich people and at the same time sound…

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  • Your time, increased consumption and collection without compensation – 3 Threads


    This is brought to you by members, become one to keep the content coming. I’m continuing the look through my old notes to find topics to write about because you need to spend time working your old notes if you really want your note system to be useful. How People Treat Your Time the people…

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  • USC shows that $750 a month given to homeless greatly improves their lives


    I recent controlled study of 100 homeless people given 750/month for a year shows that they don’t spend on drugs as many basic income naysayer suggest, they get housing and clothing and food. I’ve covered this topic a number of times, with the most comprehensive look being Basic Income for Canadians which looked at hundreds…

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