Tag: creativity
Finding Sacred Blocks
Last week I talked about consuming content and how your library should be about the stuff you want to learn instead of a performative shelf of stuff you’ve read. One key point I mentioned was that if I owned a book, but had read it and taken good notes on it I better have a…
My Favourite Books of 2024
Non-Fiction Dark PR First, Grant was kind enough to gift me a physical copy of this book when I said it wasn’t available at my local library. No request from him, just asked for my address and sent a book. In this book the reader is provided with many frameworks to use when they think…
The Content Production Trap
Peter McKinnon has a good video executing content. I’ve fallen into this over the last few months, stopped making content then kept finding reasons to not make content. I’m trying to set aside time every Friday to get a video out the door.
All About Writing from Production to Consumption – 3 Threads
This is publication is reader supported. All members get my book notes, and course supporters get all my courses and published books. Plus, members get a fairly regular extra instalment of my writing. Everyone Thinks They Can Write In an interview with Steven Pressfield some interesting ideas came up. First was Pressfield’s assertion that everyone…
We Love a Flash of Creativity and Forget About Editing
From Ryan Holiday: As a culture, we love flashes of inspiration and we love finished products. We have little interest and little understanding, however, of what goes on in between—of the essentialness of editing and improving and tweaking until whatever we are creating is just right. This idea was echoed in his book Perrenial Seller…