Tag: Entrepreneur
Dealing with price dickering
One of the huge annoyances service providers encounter when they start talking pricing with clients is when the client asks you to provide the service for less. You say you can do a job for $1500 and the next question out of the client’s mouth is: How about doing it for $1000. Yeah great way…
How should I price my services?
Our first post in the Pricing Series talked about all the different methods you could use to price your services. Yesterday I talked about how your speed at something shouldn’t affect your pricing (which is why hourly is a big bag of suck). Today I’m going to talk about the 2 pricing methods I use…
Speed and Pricing
When you start any type of work you’re slow. When I started building WordPress themes it took me 2 weeks to get something that I’d barely say is halfway passable (looking back at it now). Now that I’ve been building themes for 5 years I can build a basic theme that would pass all of…
Breaking down my expense categories
So far this week we’ve talked about our personal financial journey at home, what a budget is and why you should consider creating one for your business, and how I broke down the numbers from years past to come up with what we hope is a realistic budget for the business. Today we’ll talk about…
Why on earth should you create a budget for your business?
This seems like a simple concept but let me give you a bit of a working definition of exactly WHAT a budget is. That way maybe you can understand WHY you should create a budget for your business. WHAT is a Budget? A budget is an INTENTIONAL spending plan for your business. It gives you…
Creating an Effective Budget for Your Business
This week we’re going to be talking about creating an effective budget for your business. I know, most people hear the word budget and shudder. However a budget is a very effective tool that will allow you track your expenses, profits, taxes, and set a realistic salary for yourself. It will ensure that you actually…
Emergency scanning just increases your stress
Oh email…yup I know it’s a pain in the ass for you. It’s like that for me sometimes as well. I’ve been on an email diet for a while, but there is more to dealing with email than a diet. It all starts with how you handle email. If you’re a GTD person you’re going…
There is no later
When you start running a business it takes a lot of hustle. If you’re being smart you’re not quitting your job right away. You’re working extra hours in the evenings and weekends to get the business going. Maybe you’re working extra hours after your regular job to make your freelance business a reality. You’re working…
Don’t Quit Clients
The dream of many freelancers is to quit clients and focus on products. It may be themes, or books, or custom yoga pants that you want to make and sell. The specific product doesn’t matter. It’s the thought that no more clients around would be awesome. Quitter is a book about moving from your ‘day…
Do you finish as well as you start
I’m generally a pretty safe driver by all accounts. I drive just barely over the speed limit and rarely rush anywhere (no lane changing and weaving for me) since I simply don’t see the point in saving 30 seconds driving across town. That doesn’t mean I’m free from driving mistakes. Almost there Yes the night…