Tag: facebook
If you’re asshole things get leaked people think you’re an asshole – stop whining Zuckerberg
Reading this article from 404 about Mark Zuckerberg being annoyed that anything he says leaks and causes damage to his company…maybe stop saying shitty things that devalue humans. It’s possible Marky that you’re being an asshat and many of your employees don’t agree with you and want to share that you’re being an asshat. If…
Surprise, Facebook Lied to it’s Developers Too
So guess what, not only does Facebook not respect it’s users, it screws developers too. The U.S. Federal Trade Commission says Facebook duped application developers into paying $375 for a phony [sic] security authentication, the latest to come out of the privacy investigation Facebook settled on Friday. Basically Facebook charged extra to be ‘verified’ then…
More on Not Being the Customer
I wrote a while ago about not using services with no business model, but I’m even more wary of sites and services where I am not the customer. That’s any ad based site like say, Facebook. Yes I am a begrudging user of Facebook, but I’m not their customer. I give them no money to…
Drawing a Line with Social Media
It’s not news to anyone that social media is everywhere. We’re all on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Foursquare, Gowala…at what point does it all this sharing of our life become too much? How much do we let our personal and business life become intertwined? This is an especially poignant question for freelancers who do business under…
WordPress Stackexchange Question of the Week – November 1 – 7
This week’s instalment is a bit self serving, I answered the question. Ever wanted to add a custom image to your single blog posts that show up on Facebook? If you’re already using post thumbnails (featured images) then it’s entirely possible with a line of conditional code in your header and some extra code in…