Tag: firefox
Issues with Firefox
The video above takes a look at Firefox and it’s health. CEO pay is a big factor in how unhealthy Firefox is. I use Firefox instead of Chrome because I want browser diversity, but the direction leadership continues to take the browser is antithetical to why I use it. Zen browser is based on Firefox…
With Manifest V3 Coming to Chrome I’m Going Full Firefox
Manifest V3 is coming to Chrome which means that ad blockers like UBlock Origin and Privacy Badger will stop working or be greatly reduced in functionality. This is good for Google as it continues to try and race blocking technologies with it’s tracker technologies, with V3 it loaded the deck so that it’s no longer…
Add some Vim to your Browser
I’ve made no secret that I’m a Vim user. I use it as my IDE and text editor and I’ve loved Vim key-bindings ever since I first figured out what they were. In general, I want to be able to operate my computer without touching the mouse. This is where Vimium C comes in, because…
The Great Windows Code Editor Hunt: Komodo Edit
Second up on my list of code editors to review is Komodo Edit. No we’re not talking about the paid IDE but the free version. The Good Komodo Edit is developed on the Mozilla platform which means it’s a cross-platform code editor just like Firefox is a cross-platform web browser. As I said when I…
News from around the Web
Lots of things are happening today most notably CS4 was released by Adobe. I’ll be writing another post later today going into more detail about the launch and rouding up resources for further reading, for now on we go. There is another great post over at Design Reviver detailing 22 Firefox 3 Plugins for web…
Switch back to IE
This is spawned from an article on ArsTechina regarding the new IE 8 beta 2. (edited) I have now also found and article on Lifehacker. Check them both out for details on IE 8 I am an avide Firefox user. That is what I use on my PC at home and my Mac at work.…
Cool Web Developments
Surfing through my RSS feeds today I came upon a number of very cool web developments that I thought I would bring to your attention. IE 8 InPrivate browsing. Pulled from ArsTechnica. Looks like IE 8 may mean that analytics programs we use to track our site traffice will no longer work. One of the…