Tag: freelancing
Getting Your Freelance Business to Succeed
When looking at becoming a Freelancer (yes I dislike that term but it’s understood) you need to make sure that you have a marketable skill. Design, development, photography, writing, all translate easy to a marketable skill. Even if you have that skill there is something way more important to have or you’re not going to…
Motivating Yourself to Freelance and Work Fulltime
I was recently asked what motivated me to keep working and freelance. There was a time, about a year ago now, that I worked 40 hours a week at my full time job and 30 hours a week freelancing. Add to that the fact that we own one car and my wife finished 1 –…
The News: IE to use Webkit & Staying creative
Well here is an interesting development. In a recent developers conference in Sydney Steve Ballmer said that “Apple has embraced Webkit and we may look at that.” This is very interesting as the rendering in IE sucks currently and Webkit is awesome. I know that for all web designers it would be a wonderful thing…
News Round up
Starting today is an article from Ars Technica about the future of Internet Explorer Mobile. Internet Explorer Mobile comes on Windows Mobile phones as the default web browser (of which I own one the HTC Touch). Anyone who has coded web standards based websites is well aware of the beast that is IE 6, which…