Tag: interval
Threshold Ladders – Cycling Interval Workout
Threshold ladders is an awesome interval workout to improve your lactic acid clearing ability. After your 60 second all out sprint it should be really hard to keep up the pace at 8 for 3 minutes. If you’re doing it right it should get harder as you do more sets. Don’t repeat this workout twice…
Time Trial Pace
This is a great workout to concentrate specifically on increasing your Time Trial Pace. This is a hard workout and shouldn’t be repeated on back to back days or more than twice in a week. Warm up for 10 minutes Jump to 7 out of 10 effort (just above regular time trial pace) for 10…
5 Minute Splits – Cycling Interval Workout
5 Minute splits are a pretty standard interval and can easily be fit into an hour long workout. they should get progressively harder and your 8 out of 10 effort should yield diminishing speed the farther into the workout you get. Warm up for 10 minutes Jump to 8 out of 10 effort for 5…
Triple Threat – Cycling Interval Workout
A short but hard interval workout, easily able to fit into an hour-long workout. You won’t be able to recover between sets. Go for 3 repeats and leave it at that. Don’t do it twice in a week or on back to back days. Warm up for 10 minutes Jump to 9 out of 10…