Tag: linux

  • The Best Windows Ruby on Rails Setup Part 2

    The Best Windows Ruby on Rails Setup Part 2


    This is the second part to getting a Windows machine set up for Ruby on Rails Development by having Ubuntu running inside Virtualbox. View Part 1 here. Today’s screencast will walk through installing Ruby, rubygems 1.3.5 and Rails with rubygems, and SqLite3 as well as installing my preferred code editor Komodo Edit. Watch the screencast…

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  • The Best Windows Ruby on Rails Setup Part 1

    The Best Windows Ruby on Rails Setup Part 1


    I recently purchased a new computer and had to get Ruby on Rails installed on it. Up to this point I’ve been using my wife’s Macbook for ROR development on weekends. It was time to make the jump to a dedicated environment that didn’t interfere with the Facebook cravings of the wife. Instead of just…

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