Tag: smashing magazine
You Make Your Comments Suck
Today Smashing Magazine published a thoughtful article on the state of blog comments. They cite our lack of time, A+++ comments, and a bunch of other stuff while they talk to us about the lack of meaningful conversation in posts. Sure we’re all flying this way and that way online in our lives but I…
Rails Resources
Today is a round up of resources for learning Ruby on Rails. Many of these were given to me by Miles at coderpath and the guys at FV.rb. Working with Rails a site for all of those that are involved with Ruby on Rails. There is a cool ranking system that encourages you to participate…
News Round up
Starting today is an article from Ars Technica about the future of Internet Explorer Mobile. Internet Explorer Mobile comes on Windows Mobile phones as the default web browser (of which I own one the HTC Touch). Anyone who has coded web standards based websites is well aware of the beast that is IE 6, which…
News around the Blogoshpere
I thought today I would bring you up to speed with some of the neat things I found in my feedreader today. Smashing Magazine is offering 67 free photoshop brushes today. They are free to use for any project but not to distribute. Over at Niki’s DesignO’Blog there are some very cool tech coasters that…