Tag: social media

  • Why We Feel Isolated in a Connected World – The Empty Promise of Social Media


    The guiding star of Alderian psychology is that we derive meaning from connection to community. That we can only feel connection to a community when we are useful in it because we are contributing meaningfully to that community. Why don’t we feel connected? Philosopher: Take, for example, a man who, on reaching retirement age and…

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  • The Scrollable Timeline is NOT Connection


    Years of social media have managed to convince us that a scrollable timeline, a comment box with a characters limit and a like button are the tools we need to use to connect with each other. That is a big fucking lie and if you don’t believe me write me an email and I’ll be happy to…

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  • Rands is Cleansing his news sources


    Like many Michael is doing a media cleanse and at the same time proves my oft-made point that you should own your content. Speaking of his not yet delete Twitter account: I’ve downloaded the complete archive, and I’m sad to say I’m about to create a bunch of 404 errors when my corpus of tweets…

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  • Capitalism time, Read your Writing, and Algorithmic Avarice – 3 Threads


    As always this is brought to you by members and courses so to keep the site going consider joining. Capitalism Time After a long summer of not reading much I finally finished Saving Time by Jenny Odell and one big idea stuck out to me this week in light of my post on 5-Year timeframes.…

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  • You Don’t need Social Media Marketing


    From Cory on social media. Find your space and don’t feel obligated to participate in any of it. This goes with some ideas I had recently on only posting on your own site to avoid angertainment. You’ll read so much about making your personal brand and the places you need to be to make that…

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  • Avoiding Angertainment


    I really like Om’s word angertainment to describe what gets popular on social media. This goes not just for the “big tech” platforms like Facebook, Twitter, or Reddit, but I see it happening on Mastodon as well. Not always merely from those accounts that are engagement farming, but from lots of accounts, some of which…

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  • Ben Brooks – We’ve lost our outrage


    Ben has an excellent post about Reddit, Twitter, and Meta sucking. We should be taking a stand against assholes in hoodies (used to be suits) exploiting free labour and paid workers like these companies do.

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  • A Thoughtful Reasoning for Divesting from Twitter


    Boston University School of Public Health withdraws from Twitter. A publicly held company is, through regulatory constraints, subject to a degree of oversight, which does not apply to a privately held company. In the case of Twitter, it is clear that there is essentially no oversight for the company’s functioning beyond what the new CEO,…

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  • Yahoo’s New Homepage and Some Problems


    The big story today seems to be the roll out of Yahoo’s new homepage. While this is very cool for Yahoo to do I still think that there are some problems with the idea. Is This What People Really Want? I’ve recently read Getting Real and while I do not agree with all of the…

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  • Twitter for Business


    Where ever you look today you see that everyone is using social media and not just in their personal lives. Look around many of the big companies are using social media as well. Some do it well some do it poorly. What is twitter for big business? It’s more than just a place to tweet…

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