Tag: Statamic
Blog Questions 2024
Jumping on Kev and Manuel, here are my answers. Why did you start blogging in the first place The oldest post here comes from 2008 when I thought I was a decent designer and made some Photoshop brushes. I had blogged a bit before that on WordPress.com, but those posts are gone. I started blogging…
WordPress does feel bloated for blogging
I know I do a bit more than blogging here now, but WordPress does feel bloated so this post about moving to Pika does sound nice. In fact I did move to Statamic once and then came back to WordPress though I’m not sure why now with the drama going on and the ad crap…
Maybe Hugo?
Chris moved back to Hugo which puts it back on my radar. With the recent drama in WordPress I’m feeling more pressure to finally do something about changing how I manage my content. My biggest hurdle is wanting to write locally and then publish directly without needing to mess with the web interface of WordPress.…
Restricting Site Access by IP With Statamic V2
One of the first things I do with my client staging site is to restrict them with a WordPress plugin called Restricted Site Access. This lets me allow by IP address who can see the site without logging in. That way clients can see the site while we test it without the world seeing it…