Tag: Support
My Final Words
OK, so here goes my last and final post of this series… I think it’s important to summarize what we’ve talked about all week. When I think about the things that I could share, there are hundreds of them. What I’ve touched on this week is what I feel has been vitally important to OUR…
Support Your Non-Entrepreneurial Spouse
I’ve talked a lot about how I support Curtis in his business ventures, but I think it’s important to talk about how he supports me and the things that I want to pursue. Please know that I’m not expert in marriage, but we’ve got 10 years of experience, one beautiful daughter and a second child…
Be Your Spouse’s Sounding Board
Even before I became a part of the daily to do’s of Curtis’ business I was his sounding board. This falls under support, but I think it’s important enough to merit it’s own post. Whether you are business savvy or not you are your spouse’s sounding board. What exactly do I mean by that? Well,…
Supporting your Entrepreneurial Spouse
This week for our blog series you guys get to listen to a new voice. I’ve been the “behind the scenes” person in Curtis’ business from the beginning and when we were talking about starting to run a series of posts on his blog every now and then he asked me if I would be…