Tag: twitter

  • Twitter Wasn’t Worth the Effort for Traffic


    I saw no measurable difference when I left Twitter in the traffic to my site and neither has NPR. I think that Twitter, and possibly all social media, has got an unearned inflated importance in how much benefit it actually brings in terms of traffic to a site. My top referrers over the last 30…

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  • Ben Brooks – We’ve lost our outrage


    Ben has an excellent post about Reddit, Twitter, and Meta sucking. We should be taking a stand against assholes in hoodies (used to be suits) exploiting free labour and paid workers like these companies do.

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  • Greg On Why We Keep Watching Twitter


    From Greg: I’ve had enough of reading and listening about Twitter as the next person. So much so I’ve muted the words on Mastodon, and it has removed almost all trace of it. However, I get it. I still can’t help myself reading every new post that crosses my attention, and I know why we…

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  • A Thoughtful Reasoning for Divesting from Twitter


    Boston University School of Public Health withdraws from Twitter. A publicly held company is, through regulatory constraints, subject to a degree of oversight, which does not apply to a privately held company. In the case of Twitter, it is clear that there is essentially no oversight for the company’s functioning beyond what the new CEO,…

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  • Twitter: Turning Kings in to Serfs


    Ben Brooks felt strongly enough about the changes to the Twitter API changes that he pushed this post past his recently implemented pay wall. When you are focused on just making money you not only end up screwing people over, but you end up gutting your service. Twitter is gutting the soul from itself and…

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  • Twitter Really is the Bad Guy in this Story


    So I wrote briefly about the censorship of a journalist that was critical of NBC and they’re Olympic coverage. Sure NBC was dumb for filing the complaint but it seems Twitter is the real bad guy in this journalist censorship story. It’s hard to remember now that Twitter was once the darling of techies everywhere.…

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  • Most People use the Native Twitter Client Anyway


    I’ve talked more than once about Twitter restricting it’s API. Sure most people I know don’t use the native Twitter clients, but most people I know easily qualify as power users of pretty much anything they use. It seems that the general Twitter user uses Twitter’s apps or the website. Twitter has these stats as…

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  • Twitter, Not Only Screwing Around with Their API


    So not only is Twitter screwing around with user data through their API, they’re getting in to censorship now. The article on The Huffington Post has more detail. Ultimately, the email address was public. Saying it’s not is like saying my email is not public (see my contact page). NBC just through some weight around…

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  • Here Goes Twitter Screwing Around


    [As I talked about][talk] a while ago, Twitter is starting to get jealous with its data and API. Just recently the gave [Instagram the shaft][inst] by shutting it out of the API which allows Instagram users to find other Twitter friends. While I can certainly see that Instagram is a heavy user of the API…

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  • Twitter – Disrespecting It’s Users


    Monday of this week I got an email from Twitter with a digest of stuff. Once I realized what it was I deleted it. First, I never signed up for this email. Second, Twitter never told me this was starting and gave me the chance to opt out. This totally smacks of the crap Facebook…

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