Tag: Usability
What Services should a Web Designer Provide?
It can be hard for small business owners to know exactly what services they should receive from a web designer. Of course they will design a site for you and publish it to the web but what exactly does that mean? Prep Work The first thing a good web designer should provide you with is…
The Daily News: Stolen designs, site conversion, and usability
Let’s start today with an article from Freelance Switch (FSW) on Intellectual Property Resources. All of us designers get worried about our design work getting stolen. It seems that when this happens it’s hard to do much about it. The list provided by FSW gives you places to find your legal rights. Second up is…
The Daily News: GIMP, usability, and WordPress
I decided that I would start rounding up interesting links each day and pass them along to my readers. I will still be publishing my own articles, but find that I don’t have as much time to get them out as often as I would like. So expect a semi-daily round up of cool links…
Forms are on the Schedule: News Round UP
It seems that many sites were posting information on how to build forms that are easy for users. Jeff over at Blankenthoughts has a great post on 6 Tips for Making Website Registration User-Friendly. Many of the suggestions are great (especially regarding weird password requirements), but I have to say that I really don’t agree…