Tag: vim
Add some Vim to your Browser
I’ve made no secret that I’m a Vim user. I use it as my IDE and text editor and I’ve loved Vim key-bindings ever since I first figured out what they were. In general, I want to be able to operate my computer without touching the mouse. This is where Vimium C comes in, because…
Partial Implementations
Today I’m going to pick on Echofon simply because it’s the example that I use (and am annoyed by) every day. I love Echofon, the combination of it’s simple interface, keyboard support and useful features make it my go to Twitter client, and that’s doesn’t appear to be changing any time soon. My issue with…
I love Vim and Textmate
If you follow me you’ll notice that I’ve been playing with Vim lately. For almost a year now I’ve been a TextMate fan but something about Vim just called to me. Maybe it was the feeling that knowing Vim increased my geek cred just like terminal hackery does. Why Vim Really anyone doing any type…