Tag: WordPress Codex

  • Contribute to Documentation Even if It’s Not Sexy

    Contribute to Documentation Even if It’s Not Sexy


    We should all contribute to open source projects. If you’re building websites you’re using something open source and it just seems right that we should give something back. The real sexy thing to so when contributing to open source is committing code. For every open source project that’s out there I’m sure you can find…

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  • Having Fun with the WordPress post_class()

    Having Fun with the WordPress post_class()


    While I know that the WordPress post_class(); has been around since WordPress 2.7 I recently just stumbled upon it for some recent projects. Unfortunately, while post_class(); gave me a ton of function that I needed, I still needed to extend it just a bit to suit the project specific needs. What is post_class(); Stealing directly…

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