Tag: writing
Extra Complexity Everywhere
I’m very much looking forward to the rest of what Jamie will write about…writing. Today’s start is a good rumination on writing getting so much more complex. I’m going through some issues around this right now as well as I try to get out of software lock-in so that I can have as open a…
We Love a Flash of Creativity and Forget About Editing
From Ryan Holiday: As a culture, we love flashes of inspiration and we love finished products. We have little interest and little understanding, however, of what goes on in between—of the essentialness of editing and improving and tweaking until whatever we are creating is just right. This idea was echoed in his book Perrenial Seller…
Content’s Race to the Bottom – It Doesn’t Really Want to be Free
[Ben Brooks][bb] wrote a [fantastic article][bbart] about free content and the expectations that were set eons (at least in web terms) ago about content being free. I am already a [member][mem] of [Shawn Blanc’s][sb] site. I pay $3/month so he can write full time, and I’m happy to do it. Paying for his content at…
Great Writing Tips from a Great Author
Some great writting tips from one that would know C.S. Lewis. Always try to use the language so as to make quite clear what you mean and make sure your sentence couldn’t mean anything else. Always prefer the plain direct word to the long, vague one. Don’t implement promises, but keep them. Never use abstract…
Can We Get by with Web Apps?
Web apps have been heralded as the solution to our online and offline lives. We do not have to install software on our machines. Things are backed up online and, in theory, we can edit offline with Google Gears (or other solution). So looking at this promised land I decided to move my blog writing…