So tonight was the time to really start the design of the blog. I logged back into the back end of wordpress only to notice that the build I was currently working on was not the current build. Sucks for me but ultimately better to find out now before I have any visual styling done (or any posts hosted over there).

With this new information I embarked on a quest to download WordPress 2.6.1. With that done I started to check out the documentation. To start I used FireFTP to download a local backup of all of the files on the WP blog I am working on.

The upgrade documentation also suggested a backup of the databases be done but since I have no posts on the site I figured I can skip this part.

With the download done all I really had to do was to follow the file handling instructions provided by wordpress and upload all of the files that need to be changed.

When I went back to the blog to log-in it did say that I need to upgrade my database and that it may take a while. Since I don’t currently have any posts over there it only took a few seconds.

That’s it for tonight. I have a wordpress blog upgraded to 2.6.1 and everything looks fine.

One response to “Moving a WordPress Blog Part 2”

  1. Douglas Avatar

    I’m glad to hear that you were able to update your WordPress blog without any issues. 🙂

    Douglas Support