Over the last few weeks I’ve done a few things. First, I’ve been working on building a book launch list for my next book called Finding Focus.
Second, I’ve been looking at new ways to monetize a bunch of my content. I’ll be looking at content from contributors and doing some reviews of products that would suit my development clients.
Finally, the next book has a title so thanks for voting. It will be called The Art of Focus: 3 Easy Steps to Build a Life You Love and Control Your Time. If you’re on the email list, you’ll have a chance to get it for free. If you’re not on the list, make sure you subscribe to get The Art of Focus for FREE when it comes out.
What I Shipped
On Monday I wrote about why bullshit courses on passion are terrible.
On the Smart Business Show Wednesday I talked about how many hours does a freelance bill in a day. I took it a bit further than just billable hours though.
Thursday I continued with the book reviews as I looked and Captivate by Vanessa Van Edwards. You can get it in audio and written forms. Make sure you subscribe to Should I Read It so you don’t miss a book that matters.
For Liquid Web this week I wrote about Strategies to Produce a Winning Proposal when Your Stuck Talking to the Gatekeeper.
If you find or write something you think would be interesting here, please let me know about it.
Freelance Friday Five
I’ve been writing about my planning process lately. Here is what they do at Asian Efficiency, which lines up fairly well with what I do.
2. 3 Things you do that drive your clients nuts | Erin Flynn
Yes you should say no to clients that are a pain, but maybe it’s you. Maybe you’re the pain and your clients should drop you. My friend Erin gives us three good reasons that maybe we’re the problem in the client relationship.
3. Our week off from Slack | Wildbit
I’ve said before that Slack is Bad For You, and it seems that Wildbit is confirming at least parts of it. With a week off of Slack they changed their relationship with it so that they could get more deep focused work done.
4. Fevered egos
I’m not sharing this for the politics, I love the thoughts on geniuses though. Specifically the stuff on “scenius”. Also love the call to read more books instead of always diving in headlong and “doing” stuff. You can avoid lots of mistakes by reading books.
5. Towards equality at work and at home – DaddiLife
I feel like it’s a much bigger issue in Canada for many Dads trying to achieve some type of balance. We need to do better at making it equal for women to be in the work force and men to be at home.